Mohamed Eldawy

Company: The Weitz Co.
Job title: Project Controls Director
Panel: Mapping Career Paths for Schedulers to Foster an Environment of Continuous Development & Enhance Workforce Retention 11:50 am
• Developing a structured career path for schedulers from entry-level positions to senior roles • Strategies to prevent career stagnation and provide continuous growth opportunities • How can we better promote scheduling as a career?Read more
day: Day Two Track B AM
Strategies for Developing Essential Scheduling Skill Sets to Empower Autonomy & Success 11:45 am
• Identifying the essential qualities and skills required for an evolving discipline • Addressing challenges in training junior schedulers when resources are limited and experienced colleagues are busy • Leveraging project teams to facilitate skill development among schedulers • Establishing metrics and methods to measure successRead more
day: Day Two Track B AM