Joshua Rudolph

Company: Mortenson
Job title: Senior Planning & Scheduling Manager
Panel: Mapping Career Paths for Schedulers to Foster an Environment of Continuous Development & Enhance Workforce Retention 11:50 am
• Developing a structured career path for schedulers from entry-level positions to senior roles • Strategies to prevent career stagnation and provide continuous growth opportunities • How can we better promote scheduling as a career?Read more
day: Day Two Track B AM
Unveiling the Value of TAKT Planning for Improved Schedule Consistency 1:30 pm
• Breaking down the core principles of TAKT planning, including creating locations, setting rhythms, and ensuring synchronized workflow • Evaluating the differences and advantages compared to traditional scheduling techniques • Modifying TAKT planning principles to non-traditional and complex projects where standard approaches may not be effectiveRead more
day: Day One Track A PM